Monday, November 28, 2011

Ben at Berkeley!

Hello Colleagues,

This Thursday, December 1 at 6:00 p.m. sharp, U.C. Berkeley’s famous “Story Hour” series will host me reading from and providing literary analysis of my novel, Barrio Bushido. At the beautiful Morrison Library inside of the Doe Library building, with arms extended, I welcome you and your students to attend this unique, unprecedented event. Never before has U.C. Berkeley’s “Story Hour” opened its doors for urban literature. Many times urban fiction is portrayed as senseless and ultra-violent. At this event I will explain how Barrio Bushido both reinforces and smashes those stereotypes.

Many of you know my story and work. I come from the streets, the Marine Corps, and academia. Many of our students can relate positively to my background. I have performed throughout the state and have led functions that go beyond the literary level, including a first ever Ya Basta! Leadership Conference and more recently a successful Leadership and Education conference entitled “Inventing Your Destiny.”

Please come to this U.C. Berkeley event and suggest that your students come as well. Perhaps they can receive extra credit for attending this event that may change their lives.

If you would like to find out more about this event, please click on the links below.

Thank you and have a great rest of the semester,
Benjamin Bac Sierra, English Instructor

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