Monday, January 31, 2011






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ENG 371WR:

Writing for Nonreaders in the Postprint Era

M-W-F: 11:00 a.m.—12:15 p.m.

Instructor: Robert Lanham

Course Description

As print takes its place alongside smoke signals, cuneiform, and hollering, there has emerged a new literary age, one in which writers no longer need to feel encumbered by the paper cuts, reading, and excessive use of words traditionally associated with the writing trade. Writing for Nonreaders in the Postprint Era focuses on the creation of short-form prose that is not intended to be reproduced on pulp fibers.

Instant messaging. Twittering. Facebook updates. These 21st-century literary genres are defining a new "Lost Generation" of minimalists who would much rather watch Lost on their iPhones than toil over long-winded articles and short stories. Students will acquire the tools needed to make their tweets glimmer with a complete lack of forethought, their Facebook updates ring with self-importance, and their blog entries shimmer with literary pithiness. All without the restraints of writing in complete sentences. w00t! w00t! Throughout the course, a further paring down of the Hemingway/Stein school of minimalism will be emphasized, limiting the superfluous use of nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, conjunctions, gerunds, and other literary pitfalls.


Students must have completed at least two of the following.

ENG: 232WR—Advanced Tweeting: The Elements of Droll

LIT: 223—Early-21st-Century Literature: 140 Characters or Less

ENG: 102—Staring Blankly at Handheld Devices While Others Are Talking

ENG: 30—Advanced Blog and Book Skimming

ENG: 231WR—Facebook Wall Alliteration and Assonance

LIT: 202—The Literary Merits of Lolcats

LIT: 209—Internet-Age Surrealistic Narcissism and Self-Absorption

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Matt Duckworth Underwater: A Favorite View

What did Shakespeare's Antony say?
"Friends, Romans, and countrymen, lend me your ears." Something like that.
It was a solemn occasion, at least in the original.
I grew up with a lot of bad gags in variety shows in which a comedian would deliver Mark Antony's lines and a bunch of rubber ears would shower the stage.

Still I say, colleagues, students, idle browsers,
lend me your eyes . . . .

I invite you to check out my blog.

Matt Duckworth Underwater:
Art, book reviews, photographs, postcards, quick fiction, quotations, and (usually aquatic) reflections.

If you click the link in the title above, you'll get one of my latest blog entries, a reflection on free diving in Monterey Bay this past weekend.

I hope you find Matt Duckworth Underwater of interest. I'm not a professional artist or photographer, but I have a lot of fun. Join the fun.

Thank you,

Matt Duckworth

P.S. Here are some sample photographs and art from my blog also. (If you click on the pictures, you'll get an enlargement.)

"Oh, where are you going?" Kayaking on San Francisco Bay.

Happy fish.

The ancient Celts collected heads, and so do I. Mine are clay, however.

Mermaid sighting on the Berkeley campus.

Namor in Repose; Or, Self-Portrait #47.

A beautiful day on San Francisco Bay: Berkeley Marina.

Last weekend near Lover's Point, Pacific Grove, CA: A (Definite) Favorite View

My latest favorite photo. Note how the water really has shape and substance; note the surprising contours. You can see such features, such elements, more clearly in the enlargement, if you click on the photo. (Very fun--challenging, exhilarating--to be swimming in and with such water.)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Ben on KPFA

 Hello Everyone,

Entertain yourself; here is the Ben Bac Sierra Barrio Bushido KPFA 94.1 interview in its entirety.

Cover to Cover's Denny Smithson was a great interviewer. Enjoy!

Please follow this link:

If you would like to learn more about the book, my writing, and my goals, please visit my blog:

If you would like to discuss or order the book, please call me at 415-225-4568.

Ben Bac Sierra