As the YOUNG JUNIUS tour winds down, I'd like to bend your ear and invite you out for one last hurrah this Saturday afternoon at Borderlands Books in the Mission at 3PM. (866 Valencia @20th)
I mean sure, I'll be at the Lit Club afternoon session next Friday, the 19th, but for a full-on bookstore setting, this is your last chance. Hope to see you there! Also, please spread the word to your students who may be interested. You can download a flyer to print here.
Also, if you'd like to read excerpts (*special chapters*) of the novel for free, come over to my profile at Scribd.com where you can see the new partnership we've established and the great-looking page they set up. We're serializing chapters there all week and launching the Full PDF of the novel for free on Thursday! I'm happy to give it to you guys here, now.