Tuesday, June 29, 2010

KGO Broadcast featuring Jim Sauve (6/29/10)

Gil Gross June 29, 2010 Hour #1

Download or Listen

A battle is brewing at City College of San Francisco over remedial classes. Gil speaks with Professor James Sauve and Steve Ngo, former student and attorney who discussed what they think the problem is and how to fix it.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Bring it. CCSF in the NY TIMES . . .

At City College, a Battle

Over Remedial Classes

for English and Math

Don Q. Griffin, the chancellor of City College of San Francisco, presides over a campus split by a furor over remedial classes.
At City College of San Francisco, one of the country’s largest public universities, thousands of struggling students pour into remedial English and math classes — and then the vast majority disappear, never to receive a college degree.

Jump to the article and look for familiar names . . .

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Learning by Degrees, by Rebecca Mead

A member of the Class of 2010—who this season dons synthetic cap and gown, listens to the inspirational words of David Souter (Harvard), Anderson Cooper (Tulane), or Lisa Kudrow (Vassar), and collects a diploma—need not be a statistics major to know that the odds of stepping into a satisfying job, or, indeed, any job, are lower now than might have been imagined four long years ago, when the first posters were hung on a dorm-room wall, and having a .edu e-mail address was still a novelty. Statistically speaking, however, having an expertise in statistics may help in getting a job: according to a survey conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, graduates with math skills are more likely than their peers in other majors to find themselves promptly and gainfully employed. The safest of all degrees to be acquiring this year is in accounting: forty-six per cent of graduates in that discipline have already been offered jobs. . . . Read more in The New Yorker . . .

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Jazz for Education in Honduras


Café La Boheme Presents:

The Steve Mayers Quartet

featuring Steve on guitar, Craig Kleinman on bass, Glen Iwaoka on drums and Bill Carey on tenor saxophone

Saturday, 6/5, 2010, 7-10pm

Live Jazz in support of Olancho Aid, a foundation dedicated to education in Olancho, Honduras

3318 24th St. (between Mission and Valencia) in San Francisco

Across the street from the 24th St. Bart Station

All proceeds for this performance go to Engineers Without Borders, who are raising money to install computer labs and two internet towers in a school system eastern Honduras. They have gathered a team of ten Spanish-speaking educators to lead workshops at some point next year with Honduran teachers on how to best utilize this technology in the classrooms.

We are planning to return to Juticalpa in September or October 2010. During this trip we plan to integrate the new technology into their school curriculum through professional development workshops.

Here is the website for the project (Olancho Aid): http://www.olanchoaid.org/en/

Engineers Without Borders: http://www.ewb-usa.org/ Thank you in advance for any donation in these challenging economic times!

They have a couple options for fund delivery:
1) Send it through the website at, https://www.ewb-usa.org/donate.php?fund=3&project=179, which connects them to ewb-usa's donation page

2) Send it via mail given the following instructions http://ewb-oc.org/give.html Whatever the way, just make sure the following is specified somehow to make sure the money goes to the right place. Engineers Without Borders Orange County Professionals Honduras Project

Some photos from our last fundraiser: