Dear Colleagues,
Let us give a Huge Thank You to Jackie Davis Martin for opening the doors of her home in the Noe Valley for our annual celebration at Holiday Time. Here are the particulars:
Jackie Davis Martin - Host
4094 25th Street
S.F., CA. 94114
Saturday, December 12
Starting at 7:00 p.m.
RSVP: Bill Mc Guire 452-7257
Alphabet Drill Based on Your Last Name (Please watch this video prior to shopping for food. Thank you.)
- A - B Vegetarian
- C - F Meat, Fish, Fowl
- G - I Desserts
- J - L Appetizers
- M - R Salads
- S - Z Pastas
Of course, bring your own beverage + ice, if needed.
- Guests and Children are Most Welcome
- Your contribution should be enough to serve 10 to 12 people
- Have it ready to serve so you don't tie up Jackie's kitchen
- Have your food carved, portioned, and ready to serve
- Provide your own serving dish(es) and utensils
Needed: a) early crew to set up
b) police crew to clean as we party
c) clean up crew to leave Jackie's home spotless before departing
That's it. Contact me if you have any questions.
At your service,
William A. McGuire
Instructor of English
Coordinator of Humanities

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From Kristina Whalen--
Hello English Colleagues, Before moving to California, I spent 7 years writing and performing as part of a community theater company called The Mickee Faust Club. The founder of that cabaret, Terry Galloway, has been invited to our campus in March as part of Women's History Month. Terry's memoir Mean Little Deaf Queer was published by Beacon Press and released this last June. In March she will perform her hour long show "Out All Night and Lost My Shoes" and read from her memoir. I have been asked to generate an audience for her performance. I hope you will join me in including Galloway's performance in your spring syllabus. Below I have provided a brief excerpt of Galloway's complicated biography as well as reviews of both her performance and book. The performance is scheduled on March 9th from 4:00 -5:30 on R305. If many are interested we can see about securing a bigger venue. I will leave a copy of her memoir in the conference room. You can visit the following as well: