From the August meeting!
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From: <>
Subject: Save the Date: Symposium on Multilingual Student Writers
Date: Wednesday, August 19, 2009, 4:54 PMAnnouncing the 2009 Symposium on Multilingual Student Writers:
One Size Does Not Fit All:
Addressing General and Discipline-Specific Conventions for Academic Writing
Guest Speaker:
Randi Reppen, Professor of Applied Linguistics, Northern Arizona
Saturday, September 26, 2009
9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Breakfast starts at 8:30 a.m.
Registration will open on August 26. Check for updates and directions at .
What does it mean to teach writing? Writing is definitely not a case of
one size fits all. General writing courses like freshman composition are
filled with students from a variety of backgrounds and writing abilities
who are heading into a range of different disciplines. So, how can these
courses balance general composition requirements with students’ need to
later master disciplinary writing? During the symposium, we will look at
some ways to address both general and specific aspects of writing,
including equipping students with tools to help them become autonomous
writers. Specifically, we will explore how writing teachers and also
students can look at the writing expectations and conventions of various
disciplines and use that information to shape writing instruction and the
writing that they produce. Information from corpus linguistics will be
used to identify characteristics of disciplinary writing.
The 2009 Symposium will include breakfast, a morning session featuring a
short presentation followed by working groups, and an afternoon session
synthesizing and building on the conversations begun in the working
groups. We hope this format will give participants time to discuss and
collaborate with colleagues from colleges and universities throughout
northern California.
Please forward this note to interested colleagues.
We hope to see you next month.
The Symposium Committee
College Writing Programs
University of California, Berkeley
The Symposium Series is sponsored by The College Writing Programs
(Undergraduate Division of the College of Letters and Science), Technical
Communication (College of Engineering), and Academic Services (Residential
and Student Service Programs) at The University of California, Berkeley.