Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Billions for Community Colleges

According to President Obama, “We believe it's time to reform our community colleges so that they provide Americans of all ages a chance to learn the skills and knowledge necessary to compete for the jobs of the future.” Meaning . . .
  • $9 billion in competitive grants to community colleges and states over ten years
  • $10 billion loan fund to expand community college facilities
  • $50 million to expand online learning options
The President might announce his plan during his address to a community college audience in Michigan on July 14. The anticipated proposal follows today’s release of the President's Council of Economic Advisors (CEA) report, entitled: Preparing the Workers of Today for the Jobs of Tomorrow, which highlights important attributes of a well-functioning education and training system that can provide U.S. workers with the skills needed for current jobs as well as those that will be created as a result of the Recovery Act and economic growth over the next decade. The report may be found at

The expected proposal is speculated to have largely been structured on a May 2009 report from the National Center on Education and the Economy, entitled TRANSFORMING AMERICA’S COMMUNITY COLLEGES -- A FEDERAL POLICY PROPOSAL TO EXPAND OPPORTUNITY AND PROMOTE ECONOMIC PROSPERITY, may be found at

The President’s op-ed may be found at

This is in The Chronicle of HE blog:

And on MSNBC--