Monday, May 25, 2009

Leah Garchik on CCSF, 5/25,

City College of San Francisco threw its eighth annual fashion show last week, in the campus' new Wellness Center. Bleachers were crowded with students sporting an array of shiny pants, dirndls, ruffles and fishnet flourishes that reflected major interest in the subject at hand.

The show's energy and pizzazz were all the more impressive because it was totally student-produced, and I was also captivated by descriptions of the student designers provided in the program.

City College has more than 100,000 students, with 100,000 backgrounds, including Sara Axelrod, a Google ad saleswoman with a bachelor's degree; Stefanie Barriere, Jonathan Ochoco and Linda Lingren are lawyers; Lauren Davidson is a faculty assistant at UCSF; Shelly Foster has a bachelor's degree from Stanford and a San Francisco State teaching credential; Liza Hebb has a degree in biology; Ukraine-born Olena Holoulina works at the Ukrainian Consulate and has a master's in computer science; Caroline Jacopy, from France, has a degree in sociology; Juliana Loo is an Abraham Lincoln High School student ... I can't mention every one. But City College makes following one's passion affordable to all.

P.S.: Elisa Stephens, president of the Academy of Art University, which held its own polished fashion show a few weeks ago, was there cheering on the City College students, and announcing that her institution was giving a full scholarship to CCSF student Antonio Luna.

Liam Greger!

--from Laury Fischer of DVC--

The phone rang with some wonderful news this morning that you will all want to celebrate:

William Albin DuLaney Greger (no hyphen for this one) was born this morning, May 25, 2009 at 2:31 am Alta-Bates hospital. The baby — Liam to the world — is by all accounts simply wonderful: 8 lbs 4.5 ounces of perfection, 21.25”, and Apgar Scores of 8 and 9 — all excellent. Dad is doing great; mom is exhausted but completely excited and exhilarated -- having gone into the hospital at 3:30 am Saturday morning and finally giving birth this morning.

For now, as excited as we all are, Keri and Christoph are welcoming emails and preferring them (please no phone calls — and please no hospital visits until Keri can rest up). They think they’ll be in the hospital for three or four more days before heading home, if you want to send a card or something else wonderful.

What a blessed way for all of us to start the summer. Congratulations to Christoph and Keri — and Liam — we welcome you.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

JACK WAKES UP in stores now!

That's right, everybody, you can now buy JACK WAKES UP in stores everywhere and on the web here: You can also get free audio, and buy your copy here:

Want to give it a trial first? Here's where you can read the first three chapters:

Hope I'll see you at a reading event soon!
